Environmental Week, Summer Activities,

By Mafro - GreenKufi
Host: Omar (Green Kufi)

--- Tazkiyah Retreat From its rustic location in the Adirondack Mountains, the Tazkiyah Retreat offers an excellent opportunity for Muslims to experience a unique Islamic Retreat to purify one's soul. Camp activities will comprise of teaching as well as practice. Sessions will cover what the ailments of the Nafs and Qalb (heart) are and how to change the state of these inner ailments from our hearts. Throughout the camp we will emphasize Ibadah with Fikr (contemplation & reflection) and Dhikr in accordance with the Sunnah. By this way we will connect with Allah's creation and enjoy with spiritual focus the natural beauty that surrounds us. Other activities include hiking and canoeing. We will learn to feel the pleasure that comes with Taqwa (consciousness) of Allah through an enjoyable spiritual experience, Insha' Allah. DATES: June 14th - June 25th, 2008 TEACHER: Sessions will be taught by Sh. Mokhtar Maghraoui. Click here for more information and to register: www.jannah.org/retreat and http://www.zawiyah.net/

--- OTTAWA MUSLIM ASSOCIATION LIGHT UPON LIGHT: A Time to Reflect on our Book Given by: Sheikh Abdurrahman Al-Hejazy, the Deputy Imam of the Main Ottawa Mosque When: Every Friday after Maghrib prayer Where: At the Main Ottawa Mosque, 251 Northwestern Ave. Every Friday Let's make our hearts and our Masjid GLOW!!!

--- Good news for the Muslim Community from the Ottawa Muslim Cemetery The land for a cemetery is purchased and completely paid for. The city of Ottawa approval has been obtained. All of the required environmental and geological issues has been resolved. And Now the Ottawa Muslim Cemetery has obtained the last set of approval. That is, a license from the Province of Ontario to operate a cemetery. We would like to thank all those who helped to make this possible. The Muslim cemetery can be operational by the fall of this year provided that funding can be obtained to complete the work on the land. The land for the cemetery is located in the south end of the city about 25 minutes from the main mosque.

The only obstacle keeping the Muslim community to have its own independent cemetery is the funding to complete the project. The project now requires your generous support to build the infrastructure such as a road on the land, landscaping, and a small utility building.

You can help by donating and/or by making an advance payment on a plot. If each Muslim family makes an advance for one plot there will be sufficient funds to complete the final stage of the project. Stay tuned for further announcements on fundraising events for the cemetery.

You can contact the Ottawa Muslim Cemetery at 613-723-5911 or at info@.muslimcemetery.ca

Sheikh Muhammad Alshareef will be giving a new series: "Conversations in Paradise, Conversations in Hell" on the coming two consecutive Tuesdays: June 10 (TODAY) and June 17. The program will go from 7:30pm until 9:00pm on each Tuesday. Please arrive at least 15 minutes earlier.

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donation thermometer

Jazakum Allahu Khairan for all those who donated during our fund drive.

You can still donate, drop us a line at salam_ottawa@yahoo.ca

Fund Drive Running Tally:

$20 by Anonymous

$25 by Gwenyth Henderson

$10 by Rashid

$25 by Anonymous

October 28 over the air total: $80

$20 by A.L. & M.O.

$25 by S.S. & A.A.K.

$15 by Anonymous

November 4 over the air total: $20

November 4th online total: $40

Overall Total: $140

TARGET: $500

Jazakum Allahu Khairan and May Allah Accept all your good deeds.

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THIS WEEK's POLL: What should the OMA and the Muslims of Ottawa do regarding the issue of an Imam for the Ottawa Mosque?

Poll: This Ramadan I’d Like To …